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中國聯通 4G $368 法國及歐洲國家30日無限上網卡



-首15GB高速數據,其後將降速至512kbps無限數據 -由成功開卡當天起計30日有效,截數時間為香港時間00:00 (GMT+8) - Sim卡已登記,插卡即用 (請開啟【數據漫遊】) -覆蓋地區: 【英國、奧地利、比利時、保加利亞、克羅地亞、塞浦路斯、捷克共和國、丹麥、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭、法國、法屬圭亞那、德國、直布羅陀、希臘、瓜德羅普島、匈牙利、冰島、愛爾蘭、意大利、拉脫維亞、列支敦士登、立陶宛、盧森堡、馬耳他、馬提尼克、馬約特島、荷蘭、挪威、波蘭、葡萄牙、留尼汪、羅馬尼亞、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亞、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、俄羅斯】 -此卡只提供流動數據服務及並不提供語音通話分鐘 -支援手機熱點數據分享,限速後不能分享數據 -無需登記, 即插即用 -三合一SIM卡, 適用於任何上網裝置/手機 - 最後啟用日期: 2025/6/30 -15GB of high-speed data, after which speeds will be reduced to 512kbps unlimited data. -Valid for 30 days from the day the SIM card is activated, with a cutoff time of 00:00 Hong Kong time (GMT+8). -The SIM card is pre-registered; just insert it to use (please enable data roaming). -Coverage areas:【UK, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Martinique, Mayotte, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Réunion, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia】 -This card only provides mobile data services and does not include voice call minutes. -Available to tethering share data, cannot be shared data after the speed limit. -No registration required, plug to go -3in1 sim card, applicable to any Internet device/smart phone -Expiry date: 2025/6/30

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